Friday, August 31, 2012

Robin Williams and The Green Hornet!

As I previously stated in my last post, one of my favorite movies of all time is The Dead Poets Society, and it is the only movie that has ever made me cry. Ever. I didn't cry during Bambi, I didn't cry when Boromir died, but I cried at this movie.

Many people believe my favorite movie is the Lord of the Rings, because of my love for Tolkien, (mini rant: Nor are they my favorite books of his, I like The Book of Lost Tales 2 so much better) but in truth my favorite movie is...... the Green Hornet. This, is my sense of humor in a movie. Now, I understand how fans of the radio show were upset about it, but it was so hilarious to me I almost stopped breathing.

I hate Star Wars. I love science fiction and space travel but sitting in front of those movies makes me want to rip my hair out!

Finally, I LOVED the latest Superman movie Superman Returns. Long live the Man of Steel. (Though I'm extremely worried about how the new movie next year, Man of Steel, plays out. I hope it isn't anything as dark as the new Batman Trilogy, but the preview makes it seem that way :(.)

I don't know about you guys, but I don't like when my Comic Book movies reflect real life too closely. I like superhero's because they are a break from real life. which is why I do not, in any form, like the new Batman Trilogy.

OFF TOPIC (Sort of)

NEXT WEEK our topics will be picked by the blogger who comes before us, which means I get to pick for Nicky! YAY! And his topic will be *drum roll* 

 You are sitting at a table that exists outside of time and space; it only contains three seats (not including yours). an evil army is coming to kill you . You must pick three people that are dead or living (one of which can be fictional) to advise you on what to do. Who would those three people be? BONUS POINTS: If you tell us what they would advise.

I know this sounds kind of like a school essay, but I am really am interested in who these people will be, because Nicky is an intriguing person. no pressure.

I loved everybody's posts this week and look forward to using it as future black mail. I am so excited to see what the topics for next week will be and even more excited to read the posts!


Thursday, August 30, 2012

Movie Confessions

Hey everyone! This is being posted late, which I'm really sorry about. I was really busy yesterday and it just slipped my mind. :(

Anyway, this weeks theme is about movies....

For the most part I really like going to the movies, and watching them with friends. That being said, I have some confessions:

  1. I'm not sure if this counts since I think Brave was a really great movie, but I cried twice when I saw it in theaters. This is strange, because I don't usually get that emotional about movies, and you would think that I had prepared myself emotionally for it the second time.... but no. I still cried. :P (Note: I feel like I should mention that I cried in Toy Story 3, like Erin, as well. I'm not sure what it is about Disney movies, but apparently I can't watch them without tearing up.)
  2. Like Nicky, I've never seen the Die Hard movies. I have also never seen the Godfather (am I doing this italicizing right?) and many movies that I heard were really good. 
  3. I'm not a big fan of chick flicks, but if it has someone like David Tennant in it (there's a movie I found on netflix) I will watch it and probably enjoy it. 
  4. I watch horror movies a lot, despite the fact that I'm easily scared by everything. 
  5. Also, sometimes I will not enjoy a movie but still like the soundtrack. I also really like listening to movie scores. :)
Sorry again for the late post! I hope you guys had an awesome Wednesday. Great posts so far guys! I'm really excited to read everyone else's. :)

Monday, August 27, 2012

Shame- be glad you don't know me in person

Howdy everyone!

It is 11 minutes into Tuesday so I figure this is well in my realm of posting... plus it will take a little bit to put this together, so... MOVING FORWARD!

Lets start with I am not an avid movie go-er. I really love to go to the movies but I usually tend to read a book more than go to the movie theaters.

Next I love romance movies, usually known as chick flicks, but I love em to pieces. Also I love to watch Disney (Pixar/ animated) movies. My favorite movie just so happens to be the Lion King  :) However I do enjoy science fiction movies and actions movies as well. I don't watch horror or thriller movies unless I have a companion which gets nicknamed "the pin cushion" because I cling and claw them.

But the last movie confession I will say today is (the reason I named this post the way I did) I cry ... during most movies... if any one in the movie is crying - I cry. If there is a moment that resonates strongly with me- I cry [Toy Story 3- after he packed up his room I had a deja vu moment and tears were flowing]. If the movie scares the hell out of my- Well I tend to want to vomit [The Day the earth stood still].

You see I am a very emotional person and I am a crier... so it kind of makes since that I cry during movies which is why I am very conscious of the movies I go see people with and what type of movie it is.

I have one friend back home i wont go see movies with because he makes fun of me.. ALL the time for crying...

Any way Ta ta for now and DFTBA!


Please don't shoot me...

This week it's all about embarrassing movie confessions, and this week I'm keeping it short and sweet from the safety of my flame shield. Excuse me.

There we go, safe and sound.

So, let's begin.

I've never seen Die Hard. Any of them. It's not like I don't want to see it, it's just I've never actively sought it out. I'm sure it's great. I'm sure Bruce Willis is like he is in every other film where he wears a vest.

Also...I actually liked the last Matrix film. Even the really obviously CGI fight between Smith and Neo. All of it.

And finally I didn't cry at Bambi. Ever. In fact, I barely remember it.

And now I hide in safety.



Friday, August 24, 2012

It Was the First Day.....

So I had hoped to start this post with a picture of my first day of kindergarten but I couldn't find it. In my desperate search I asked my mother about it and she replied with "Oh, I have them somewhere around here," way, and here I thought they were in the storage facility on Mars. Moms, gotta love 'em.
BUT, let not your hearts be troubled because I did find this picture of me in the Fifth Grade!
I forgot to tell my mother it was picture day.......

Flash Back

It was the first day of Kindergarten, I loved it, until my father forgot to pick me up afterwards.

It was the first day of Middle School, I had one class with my best friend. SCORE!

It was the first day of High School. I shared a Locker with my best friend, and my older sister (senior) super glued it shut. Cute boy with dreadlocks.

It was the first day of College. Thank Heavens.

It was the first day of my Screenwriting, college is fun.

It was the first day of my Business degree..... what do you mean it involves math!?!?!?!!!!!!

It was the first day of my Linguistics degree. وأخيرا، أنا أفهم شيئا

I always love the first day of school because you meet all sorts of people who end up becoming your life long friends. Like my Bestie Hannah, we met on the first day of Speech Class, she was reading Percy Jackson and I had just finished City of Bones. It was a perfect match.

I don't start college again until Monday, but I'm super excited!!! I love getting to class early on the first day just to meet people, and then seeing my favorite teachers. (Secretly I also love the hour long drive to school and singing to my favorite songs on the radio :) )

 Afterwards, I reward myself with a coffee. (Okay, so I reward myself with a coffee everyday, but this is a special back to school coffee.)

Then the first week of school passes and come to realize how difficult it's going to be juggling a full time job with three Advanced Language Classes, plus History. That's when you buy a big jar of Green Olives and cry while watching The Dead Poets Society.

 Comic - school year

I hope you all have a great weekend! It was fun reading all your posts this week!

Thursday, August 23, 2012

First day of high school and forgotten letters

I haven't had my first day of uni/college yet, so I'm going to talk about my first day of high school. I'd been told so many conflicting stories about it. Some people seemed to think it was a complete nightmare, while others seemed to be having the time of their life. (With hindsight I'd say it was neither) 

Our first day started with the principal holding a speech in the assembly hall. I wasn't really paying attention, I was too busy nervously scanning the room in search of familiar faces, but I couldn't find anyone, and since I'm really shy I found that extremely daunting.  The only person who really caught my attention was a girl with this huge 80s hair-do that looked like a lion mane, which was even more daunting. One of the teachers then had us write letters to ourselves, which she actually saved and handed back to us on the day of our graduation. We had so much fun reading those letters, because by that time we'd forgotten all about ever writing them, and everything in our lives had changed so much. The girl next to me at that first assembly and the 80s lion mane girl were now two of my best friends. It was almost like reading a letter from a different person, even though it was just a younger version of myself. Have any of you ever done anything similar? I'd really love to do something like that again some day, it was so cool :) 

Sorry if this post was a bit all over the place, I'm really tired. I hope you all have a really nice weekend! 

- Philippa

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

First Days of School

Hello everyone! I'm posting earlier than I usually do, so I hope you guys have a great Wednesday! :) 

My first day of high school was okay. I had already been at the school for band camp and gotten my schedule, so I already knew a little of what to expect. What I didn't expect is how far I would have to walk to each class (looking back, it wasn't that far....), and being as directionally challenged as I am, I got lost a lot. 

Despite that, it was an alright day. :P Nothing major happened, and that's probably why I don't remember it very well, which is weird. 

My first day of college was two days ago, and I really liked it! Mostly because I'm a music major and I only had three music classes, so that was really cool.

Like high school, I was here early for band camp so I had time to get used to my surroundings, which was nice. I wasn't as nervous on my first day. :) And my classes are spaced far enough apart at times that I can sleep in between them! (I probably sound like a stilly freshman right now.... oh well)

The freedom is also something I'm still getting used to, and managing my time. It's both strange and fun! 

Another thing I've noticed is how nice the people are here. As opposed to high school where freshmen were treated kind of bad (at least, at my school) all of the upperclassmen are nice and really friendly. 

Sorry this was such a short post. Nicky and Erin, I enjoyed reading your stories. :) I can't wait to read everyone else's later on this week! 

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

My First Day

So yesterday I got home, ate, and pretty much went straight to bed :P needless to say lots is going on. Sorry guys!

As Erin said, and much better than I ever could, w're talking about our first days, and I can just about remember my first day of secondary school, or high school for you guys across the pond ocean.

I remember meeting my tutor group for the first time and being made to sit in a circle and pass around to the left notes about us, and one of my future close friends Kalvin, back when he had a massive afro, pointed out I have bad handwriting (only one English teacher has ever liked my writing; me and mum thought she was insane).

I remember marvelling at the footlong hotdogs they used to serve, and how I would get on for free as part of my school meals (if I was quick enough).

I remember walking around the place with Ethan, Ryan, and Pablo, my 3 best friends from my primary school.

I remember the library, and being amazed that it had 2 floors.

I remember smiling.

I remember my first form tutor's name. Miss Collins.

I remember missing a playground. That sucked.

I remember going home.

I remember I went sleep.

I blame ZeFrank entirely for this blog post being laid out as it is. His way of speaking is damned infectious.

DFTBA wonderful people. Cant wait to hear about your first days :D

Nicky x

Monday, August 20, 2012

This week on The Colors of Us

Hey Y'all! I know this is early (12:30 am Eastern time) but I figured since I either forget or am always late I would try before I go to bed this time.

So it looks like I the pleasure of introducing the topic for the week. Nicky does it so well! However it looks like it got very busy and I above all people know all about that!! Last week I went home to visit, and that was like a whirl wind.

Anyway disregarding that!! The topic for the week is *drum roll please* The first day of school! The first day of school for college is not very interesting to me, since I now live on my own and all that jazz. However I will go back to the earliest first day of school I can remember at 12:30 in the morning. The first day of High school! (not really sure that deserves an !).

I must say the first day of ninth grade was not that extraordinary because I had already gone to orientation and had my schedule and my sister is three years older than I am so I knew the campus (plus there is only one high school in my town). However as my mother dropped off her "baby girl" and getting pancakes I do believe as a special breakfast. My sister was already at school and she ran up to me from her friends ans said "My baby sister!" and hugged me making good and sure she embarrassed me to any one in ear shot. Then she walked me to my first class and made me give her a hug in front of my teacher... ah big sisters You have to love them (because your parents wont let you kill them).

I remember my classes for the most part but trying to remember the order hurts my head, however I will say, my high school had a "freshman wing" (for what reason I will never know). However I was in advanced placement classes and there for like two of my seven classes were in this wing and I was left running across the school ever class period back and forth and back and forth, while some of my friends had classes right next to each other all day.

Oh dear I just thought of something... this year will be my last first day of school! *odd stabbing feeling in the chest* I am excited I love school and cannot wait to go back. I am taking a lot of new classes that sound so exciting and fascinating to me. Dreading it because this will be my biggest load of  classes ever topping the scales at 23.5 credit hours. Nervous because I have been in school for 17 years. I live on my own already and pay all sorts of bills but still... no school. Wow! The day its self probably wont be remarkably memorable but ... it is the end of an era in my life!


Friday, August 17, 2012

Confidence, is a Shoe

Everyone so far has given great confidence tips!

I had to defer to my friends on this subject, confidence has never really been a huge struggle for me (not to sound arrogant or anything). So I had to sit around and think, why? Why do I not have as much of a problem as most? Answer: Siblings.

I have three siblings, and we use to do all sorts of crazy stuff together, sing in the store, steal bank pens, ductaping the youngest to the wall etc. (but we never stopped when we got older......poor mum) Nothing builds confidence quiet like doing things in a large group. If your doing a speech or performing in a play, invite your friends and family to come see you. Any pressure you felt at performing will greatly decrease if you know some one familiar is watching in the audience.

 One of my friends, Mary, (A.K.A. National debate Finalist) suggested Faking It. even if your not confident, pretend that you are, think about something that your confident in as you give that interview. After a while of faking it, you'll start to realize that you're not faking it anymore.

Confidence Poster
Also, Appearance.  If your going to an interview, whether it be for Nuclear Physics or Cart Pushing, wearing a suite will make you feel more "important." Dress to impress people. When your confident with how you look, people are confident in you. ;) First day of school always makes me a little nervous, so I wear a fitted skirt suite to my classes. Not only do other people think I make more than I actually do and that I have excellent style, but the teachers automatically pick me for a "serious student" (which I am 100%, and only because they didn't see my superhero converse ;) ). First day of school is just like a group interview, take it seriously.

                                                Confidence, in a Shoe

Speaking of first day of school.....that was a lot closer than I was expecting.....anyone else have a crazy class load that just makes you want to slam your head into a wall?


P.S. Midnight release of Hunger Games has never made me so excited to work at 2:00 in the morning before. :D

Confidence tip

I'm really really sorry this post is up so late! Thanks for all the confidence tips this week, guys :) I'm so glad we decided to do this topic! 

I haven't actually tried this yet so I'm not sure if it works, but one tip I often get for boosting your confidence is to write down a list of things you're proud of, either things about yourself or things you've done. If you sit down once a day or week (or even once a month) and write down things you're  happy about, it'll make you think more about the things you've accomplished and eventually make you feel more confident about what you can do. We do so many great things every day, even if they're just little things, and it's a shame we don't stop and think about them more. Especially for people with low self-esteem or confidence it's a really good idea to sometimes remind yourself of all the awesome things that you really do  :) 

Hope you're all having a nice week :) 


Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Confidence Building....

Hey everyone! Sorry for posting so late (it's like 11:55 where I am.... oops). I just moved in to college, and I'm getting used to everything, but I'll always make time for the blog. :) 

So this week's topic is confidence building tips! Since I've just moved in to college a few days ago, I've been trying to make friends (since I'm once again a lowly freshman :P). Some things I've figured out are: 

  • Don't just stay in your comfort zone. I made a friend here by making myself go and ask if she wanted to go to an ice-breaker event the other night. I think that putting yourself in those situations where you're not completely comfortable will get you used to more different exciting things, and then you won't be as caught off guard the next time and will mostly likely be able to handle it better! Also, what's the worst thing that can happen? Usually it's not as bad as you think! :)
So, that's really it. I just realized that I probably didn't need to make a list but I thought it looked better that way.... 

Another thing you can do (that I have yet to test out) is use nifty jokes to break the ice. Like this awesome little one: 

Question: How much does a polar bear weigh? 

Answer: Enough to BREAK THE ICE! HAHAHAHA!

Okay, so that might be a pick-up line too, but I thought it was cute. :) 

Anyway, it's really late at night and I'm exhausted, so I will say goodnight! And your post was awesome Nicky, and I'm highly anticipating everyone else's posts this week.


Tuesday, August 14, 2012

How to find your confidence (sort of)

This week I thought we'd share tip on how to be a bit more confident, as lack of confidence seems to be a common problem!

My tip is something kind of obvious but very, very powerful in most situations where you have to do something: know your stuff.

Say you're lacking confidence in your work. Step one is to go through what you do. What is it you don't know? Is there anything you're not one hundred percent on? Can a colleague or your supervisor offer any critiques? If the answer is yes (believe me, people are all to willing to critique when you ask), then write it all down, really get to know it all. The more you know, the more you can build and improve, and once you've written it down you can use it as a visual aid. I started this job sucking at communicating with my colleagues; it was my main sticking point in appraisals. I got all the advice and criticism I could, cried a lot, wrote it all down and started ticking things off.

The same thing applies to most things. If you lack confidence doing something, or knowing something, get everything down you possibly can, and learn.

Sometimes it's as simple as that :)

Can't wait to hear (and use) your tips!

Friday, August 10, 2012

Aspirations, the Enterprise, and sucky Sinus's

I love topics like these that really make me think.

Six Things I aspire to Do

1. Live out Loud
I want to find the joy in small things, like going to the park with your friends, or taking a road trip to the nearest almost-abandoned town. I want to be happy with myself and my life, and be okay with the fact that I may never see Paris or Moscow, and it's okay because I saw Elbert instead, and that town was just as amazing.

2.  Dream Big
As we get older it gets harder to believe in the dreams we once had; I never want to be too old for my dreams. I want to have the same passion for writing that I do today, when I'm eighty-three years old.

3. Impact the World
Peace comes first through communication, then through action. I want to use all the languages I know to work towards a peaceful world. I want my knowledge to help lead to the end of child soldiers and help the rise of women rights in the Middle East.

On a Christian side Note:
When I mentioned to my mother that I wanted to impact the world, she immediately took that as a "my daughter is going to become a Baptist Missionary!". No, I am not. It takes a certain type of skill set to be willing to minister in foreign countries. One requirement being patience, which I don't have, at all.
You can be a Christian, not a missionary, and impact the world just the same. Just do what you love/ good at with all your heart, and do it to honor God. He knows what's in your heart, and maybe you can't go to Uganda and feed a child, but feeding a Veteran on the street corner on your way to work can have just as much as an impact.

4. Stay Young
When you get old most people tend to get grouchy and, well, old. When I'm ninety I still want to have the spirit to jump out of closets at people or fake my death so as to send the nurses into a frenzied panic. I don't ever want an "I'm Old" mind set.

5. Learn to Dance
I don't think any explanation is needed on this one.

6. Build the Enterprise
If I ever get so rich as to own half the world, or even a tenth of it, I would aspire to build the Enterprise. Nothing say's creating jobs like a private NASA in your own backyard ; ).

Okay, I hope that made sense. My minds getting foggy cause my mother gave me the sleepy Sinus drugs instead of the daytime ones (neither of which I like ;) ) So I called in dead, and now I'm going to bed, not by choice.

TING for now and DFTBA, TGIF,

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Things Philippa wishes she could do and be

Hey guys! I hope everyone's having a good week :) These are six aspirations I have in life:

1) I wish I could be more confident. I'm pretty shy and introverted, and even though I've gotten better at it over the years, I still wish I could be more outgoing sometimes. It'd be so nice to just feel comfortable going up to a stranger and starting a conversation, instead of always feeling like the socially awkward penguin.

2) I also wish I could be more relaxed, and just stress less. I worry a lot. I always seem to find something to stress over and it can make me really anxious at times, even if it's something silly that no one else seems to worry about...

3) I wish I was better at making decisions. I'm really, really indecisive, I haven't even decided what I want to study at university yet (I think I'm close to do though! Woo, progress!). I really wish I was better at deciding things though, it'd help me stress a lot less. :)

4) Take better care of myself. This is a really common goal for people to have, but I'd really like to take up a sport again and start being more healthy. I think it'd be really good. I used to do loads of sports as a kid, and I miss it a lot.

5) Become financially secure. Another common and probably pretty self-explanatory one, but I'd just like to be able to live life and not stress about money so much. :)

6) Be the best I can be, whether that's being the best daughter/sister I can to my family, the best girlfriend I can to my boyfriend, or trying my hardest at school/work. I'd just like to be able to look back at my life someday and feel proud, and be satisfied with the the things I've done. :) I actually have a (hopefully irrational) fear that I'll someday look back on my life and have a lot of regrets. (Now I'm worrying about that, haha, I'm hopeless)

I should get to sleep, but I hope you all have a really nice weekend! :)

- Philippa

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Six Aspirations

I realize this is late, and I hope i don't upset any of my bloggers by posting out of turn and late (again), but I promise I have a great reason... I am still doing it matter of fact. I am baking a wedding cake! In between being a host for my elder sister (who is sleeping on my couch right now) and work... I am a lot of time crunched for everything and so this blog (and my pen pals) are push back. So I am SO SO sorry!!!!

Moving swiftly forward before my cake needs to come out of the oven. My six aspirations in life consist of:

1. To know where to go after I graduate college- I finish college in about 6 months and I will move away from here in about 9 (because of apartment things) and EVERYONE asks me what I am going to... and honestly I know I just want to get away from this city... I hate it, and I have a couple of friends around during school but when I don't have school they are gone... and I miss close to people I am close to but I don't know about my career...

2. Not having my "dance card" full- I am consistently busy. Between work, and trying to fly home next week (I will be able to post and post on time), school, work, a social like (if you could call it that) and just trying to *gets up to rotate cake* maintain my apartment and car, and do all of my obligations... I either feel like a failure or I am exhausted or both.

3. More confidence- Not only was it because of my sister was here and it was the first time using my new used mixer, but this is also my first wedding cake (it is for my cousin) and I am nervous as hell so I put it off not a lot, but with everything else going on it is now crunch time. However I do mean more confidence in every area of my life, relationship, friends, work, school.

4. Learning. I love to learn. I love expanding on my knowledge of food and science, but really if you have something you know a good deal about and you want to talk/teach about it. I am your girl. I love knowledge and cannot get enough of it.

5. Doing something- I want more than anything else (in addition to the others on this list) is to do something with my life so I feel like I didn't live my life for naught. I want to make a difference in the pastry world, it doesn't have to be massive I don't crave to be famous, I just want to make a difference. I want to change at least once person's world and be that special awesome amazing person they can't stop thinking of.. That one might be a stretch but hey I shoot high.

6. I want for feel comfortable... I get very paranoid, and worked up and it kills me when people notice (and it is pretty freaking obvious too). Then in my head I feel like a screw up and I don't feel comfortable. It is a work in process but -shrug- yeah that would be it.

OK that is it for my list! And again I am so sorry to everyone for my tardiness! i tried to post earlier but me and my sister really hit it off (which is kinda odd... our relationship is odd), and we have been running around for a while.

I hope everyone has a great night/ day and other wise!

Best wishes !! (thought that was appropriate since this list was sort of aspired by John Green)


NASA and Aspirations!

Hey everyone! I know this is a little off-topic, but I'm so excited about the Curiosity landing on Mars. :) The pictures are really cool too! I guess I'm just a big nerd about stuff like that though, because I get really excited when I look at pictures from NASA like this:

So awesome!
Anyway, like Nicky said, our topic for this week is our 6 aspirations. 

I aspire to be:

1. Musical -- I can't get enough of music, and I want to improve myself as a musician as much as I can. 

2. Well-travelled -- I LOVE TRAVELING. I want to go everywhere!

3. Compassionate -- I consider myself sort of compassionate, but sometimes I wish I was better at relating to people and being more understanding. I think that's a good quality for someone to have. 

4. Successful -- Not successful as in a lot of money or popular or whatever. By successful I want to be able to look back on my life and know that I did what I wanted and end up being satisfied. I guess I've been thinking about this lately because I'm just entering college and I'm still not sure exactly what I want to do, so I guess I want to have success with life. Woo! I hope that made sense....

5. Well-rested -- Sleep is awesome, and I wish I got more of it. :) 

6. More confident -- I'm pretty introverted, which doesn't mean I don't like people, I just don't like to be around them all the time. I'm also shy, and while I don't consider it a bad thing, I'm going to try and work on my confidence so I can meet new friends at college. :) 

Aaaand that's it! I can't wait to hear everyone's posts. Sorry this was posted sort of late, I've been really busy all day and I finally have some free time!


Tuesday, August 7, 2012


I'm getting worse and worse at this time keeping thing.

So this weeks topic, inspired by John Green, is 6 things we aspire to be. And my 6 are:
  1. Creative
  2. Educated
  3. Loving
  4. Financially secure
  5. A passer-on of knowledge
  6. Me, whatever 'me' is
I've spoke about my creativity before, so I don't want to bore you silly with that, financially secure is so obvious its part of Maslow's Hierarchy, and being 'me' can be explained by watching ZeFrank's video 'Being Yourself'. What I do want to talk about because it's probably the only one on the list that not been explained on various other blogs over and over, is point 5.

I didn't say I want to be a teacher, because that isn't the only way to pass on knowledge. I wouldn't mind being a teacher, but at the very least I want to be able to put myself in a position where I am able to pass on knowledge to my peers, my family, anyone. To do that, I have to educated. 

Again, when I say educated I don't necessarily mean lots of degrees (although that would be AWESOME) but I just feel that I am blessed with the capacity to take in knowledge and learn and understand and I'm very aware that not everyone does, even if that number is only a minority. As such, I want to learn everything, which is a root of some problems but that's for another time.

Those 6 points are all equally important, but those two are the ones that are the driving points of my life right now. And to be honest, always will be.

Looking forward to seeing you guy's list!


Friday, August 3, 2012


Pinned Image
Okay, so like most people (I would hope) I love to watch the Olympics. I don't have a favorite sport to cheer on, I just kinda pick the athletes who are awesome and follow them. Like Jordan Wieber, Missy Franklin, Micheal Phelps etc.

Though, I'm sure, like any other nerd out there, I was hoping for an opening ceremony like this:
*tear* I miss you David Tennant!

It's okay though, because David Beckman deserved to light the torch.

Since our town would never put one of those awesome big screen televisions up in the park to watch Water Polo in all its glory, my biking group

 Friends who are forced to bike with me so I don't get kidnapped, heat stroke, eaten by a bear, experimented on by aliens, put in a fanfiction, etc. Though they look happy, they will never admit to liking it. (I know the truth ;) )

have taken to playing "Pass the Torch" instead, which is actually a heavy flashlight due to fire bans. It is a game where you Pass the Torch(woah, I know, I just blew your mind) every mile to the next person behind you. This may not seem difficult, but trust me, passing things while balancing in close proximity to another biker is dangerous. It ranks right up there with putting lemon juice on paper cuts. But it makes us feel like Olympians (and look like idiots).


I thought drinks was a very interesting topic because I'm allergic to most of them. Have you ever heard of Phosphoric Acid? It's in all Coca-Cola Pepsi products, some meats, chips, shampoos, and soaps. It's kind of like corn syrup, you don't really need it in the product, you just put it in there to look cool.

Phosphoric Acid is deadly, to me. I'm 100% allergic in the worst way possible, I stop breathing.

It's an odd thing to be allergic to, no? Actually, allergies to such chemicals are only increasing with the more chemicals we put in our foods. I won't go into a lecture about it, but know your chemicals.

I haven't had a soda since I was sixteen (worst withdrawl ever), and I know what your thinking "so just do organic drinks". Ah, what a wonderful idea! Except not all organic (actually very FEW) drinks are 100% organic. I learned that the hard way.

So my favorite drink would have to be the ever dependable, glass of water. It hydrates you, has no calories, and tastes great (unless you live in Phoenix)!
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And on that note, I wish you all a great weekend! I'm going to work, you're probably going to bed, so sweet dreams :)


Thursday, August 2, 2012

Jennifer Pinches And Lemon Juice

Hey guys!

I am so so so sorry for disappearing last week! We had some internet problems here, and nothing was working. I'm really sorry.

Sweden never seems to do especially well in any sports championships these days, so I have to be honest and admit I haven't followed the Olympics that closely so far. I have watched a few things though, and the one I was the most impressed by is easily gymnastics. It's so amazing what they can do. I'm probably not the most graceful or well-coordinated person in the world, and watching these athletes really make me feel even less so, haha :) I missed Jennifer Pinches doing the Nerdfighter gang sign, but I heard about it afterwards. I'm sure you've all seen it already, but Alex Day uploaded a video with her in it the other day, and she seems like a really sweet person. :)

The second topic of this week was drinks, and if I'm completely honest my favorite drink in the whole world is probably... coke. I just can't help it, even though I know how unhealthy it is. Another drink I really like, which is way less mainstream, is lemon juice. So I agree with you there, wesleycat! :) I love anything lemony, really, and if anyone ever has to get me anything with a flavor, lemon is always a safe bet :)

Looking forward to your post tomorrow, Holly! And again I'm so so sorry about last week!

- Philippa

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Ranting on Olympics Uniforms and Lemonade

It's Wednesday, and I didn't plan anything that I'm going to write today, so I hope it turns out okay! :D 

Usually I don't pay much attention to the Olympics, but this year I'm trying to make an effort to know what's going on! I was actually out of town during the open ceremony, but I managed to get a few glimpses of it, and when the teams walked in the stadium, which was pretty cool. I have to say that I don't really like the United State's uniforms though. Also, I thought the whole controversy that happened before where it turned out the first uniforms that were made for the American team had actually been made in China, or something, was really silly. Especially how a lot of people were making a big deal out of it. I don't know if it's just me, but I don't really care about uniforms when there are better things to worry about usually. -_- 

I agree with Erin, though, that it's cool that the gymnast from England did the nerdfighter sign on television. :) I haven't seen much of the events (only clips) but I thought the diving was really cool, especially how the teammates can't really see each other and they're still moving at the same time. I could never do any of that, but it's really cool to watch! 

As for my favorite non-mainstream drink, I think it would have to be homemade lemonade, when you squeeze the lemon juice yourself. :) It's really good, and I like to add stuff like raspberries or strawberries to it to make it taste even better! I also drink a lot of Dr. Pepper lately, but I'm trying not to because it's not healthy. 

Anyway, sorry this is such a short post! I really liked reading your posts Nicky and Erin, and I can't wait to read Philippa and Holly's posts later!