Thursday, October 11, 2012

Weird Dreams!

Hey guys! Sorry for the late post again! This week's topic should be perfect for me, since I have a lot of weird dreams. Unfortunately, I can't remember a lot of them right now (stupid brain), but here's one that I had sometime in high school that I thought was really weird and kind of creepy. 

So in my dream, I was at my old house that I had just moved out of, and I had just gotten off the bus after school (this was before I had a car and could drive myself). Anyway, I walked into my house and there was no furniture and there were these spiders EVERYWHERE. Like, they were just sitting on the wall in clumps, which was weird, and they were of every size. 

Anyway, for some reason I was only slightly creeped out, and I decided to walk further into the house where I saw my best friend holding one of the larger spiders (about the side of my cat) and I just remember her telling me it was a cat. 

And then I woke up. 

This doesn't really count as a dream, but I thought I might share it. Whenever I'm really stressed about something that I have the next day sometimes I just wake up randomly in the middle of the night thinking that it's time to go. This happened a lot my junior year in high school because it was really stressful -- once I woke up at 3am and I got dressed and everything before I realized that I had a few hours before it was even time to wake up. xD 

Anyway, it hasn't happened to me in college yet, but I've been doing it a little bit lately (like waking up an hour early and thinking I'm late) so we'll see what my roommate says about it.....

That being said, welcome back Nicky! I'm so happy you can participate with us again! :D That was a weird dream! 

I can't wait to see what everyone else has posted, and I really REALLY loved your last post Holly! 



Monday, October 8, 2012

Weird dreams...

So this is the weirdest, yet most vivid dream I've ever had that I still remember.

So I was at my friend Matt's house, in his kitchen that links to his conservatory. In there, his dad and a couple of his dad's friends were at the table and for some reason, I was naked.

Matt's little brother James saw me, laughed his ass off and handed me a tea towel to cover myself up with. When I pointed out that I would need something to secure it, it being a small tea towel, he gave me a tent peg, which somehow worked.

So I walked into the conservatory and Matt, Will, and a couple of others were playing CoD. I look back at the table, and my friend Grace is there, doing a line of coke. When I ask her, really surprised and confused, what the hell she's doing, she smiles and shrugs. Turn around, turn back, and Grace is now my friend Mia, still doing coke. Then suddenly, my field of vision is occupied by the old MSN IM screen, and I'm talking to Mia about it.

So there it is, my weirdest dream that I remember. Also, hi guys :D

Friday, October 5, 2012

Big Goals Ahead

 So I was watching John Green's latest video about What to do With Your Life and he mentioned how narrowing your choices, or picking certain paths scares us because that means we have much less options. Which got me thinking about all the paths that I've [assed up, and how they've got me to where I am today.

There is one path though, that I have never wanted to let go of, and that is to redefine how people look at a story.
History is a story that isn't just told through a narrative, but through memories, newspapers, paintings, photographs, old houses, and trash you find in a dump. So why, when people think of telling a story, do they automatically think of writing a narrative?

one of my goals coming out of high school was to create a website to support a storyline that is told through every medium. For example: The introduction could be a police file on each character, and the next part of the story could be a characters home video blog, and the next a newspaper article of a major event, and the next an old photograph or a faded advertisement, and the next the beginning of a soundtrack. It could include recipe's, and costume/make-up design's, and concept art. (AND a top notch project like this might be good to reference for future jobs in such career paths....just something to think about ;).
as I thought more about it, I realized how much I really, really want to make this a reality.  I know it will take an amazing crew of authors, photographers, actors, directors, costume designers, web designers etc, to make this happen, but I think it can be done`, and I want to make it, if possible, a Nerdfighter exclusive project, something that Nerdfighters can definitely claim as their own.

Thus I have decided TO MAKE THIS MY GOAL FOR 2013.

What's that saying again? Go big or go home.


First on the list would be to decide on a storyline that would best fit such a concept. What do you guys think would be best?

A galactic enemy has been systematically wiping out all Civilizations, starting with the most advanced, to the military strong, etc. They have just defeated Sabre, and are now coming for Arcadia, the last planet able to travel in space (barely). They are Scavengers, all of their technology comes from the pieces of junk other races have left behind, and now they are the last defense against this enemy.

Lullaby Moon (Fantasy-ish)
When you go to sleep you enter the dream world, a place where years can pass in mere minutes, but most don't understand it is a "real" place. Some people have the ability to control this world and step into other peoples dreams. These people guard us from the dangers of sleeping called Couldhavebeens/Nightmares (because if any one were to die in their dreams then they die in real life), these are creatures who work for an enemy who seeks to destroy the Lullaby moon (which is what keeps the dream world alive in a sense?).
Main character would be a "He is Our Best" good guy who is ordered try and recruit/train a new person who has recently been discovered at being really good at controlling dreams/jumping into others.

This one isn't a very hashed out plot, I haven't really ever attempted a fantasy like plot before that can still be semi realistic (in other words it would require a lot of help from other fantasy writers to get it up and going as a plot). The plus of this one is that anything goes because it's all based in people's dreams. I was thinking the main character could be a coma patient who appears differently to different people.

Stronger Than Red (post-apocalyptic)
After a nuclear war/EMP/something dramatic the world has returned to a mostly tribal state that rejects any form of technology. If some one declares themselves an "Inventor" they would be burned at the stake (like the Salem witch trials). It would follow the path of an undercover Inventor who is trying to recreate something simple like a watch.

These are my top three. they're pro and con's to each, which do you guys think? Or do you have a better one?

After a plot is decided upon I would like to present it to the nerdfighter community to start looking for web designers to help figure out technicalities and creative writers to iron out main details.

This project is definitely nothing like the path I picked for my life, but who says you can't walk two paths at once? ;)

 thanks for Listening to my Ramblings Again,

P.S. When John Green mentioned an electrician volunteering on archeological digs I legitimately yelled 'Mom, I think he's met dad', because that is my father, an electrician who volunteers constantly on Archeological digs. No joke.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Pick a Topic!

Hello everyone! It is currently Friday (barely) and I have to apologize again for posting out of order (sorry guys). 

Anyway, this week's topic is anything you want to write about! Which is way more difficult than I thought, because I'm not sure what to write about. 

I guess I'll start with this weekend when I went to the Austin Teen Book Festival last weekend. :) It was for a very brief time (like an hour) but I got Libba Bray's new book and I even got to meet her! She drew me a unicorn you guys.... it was awesome! 

I've always wanted to meet Libba Bray ever since I read her blog the summer before my senior year in high school, because she's so amazing. I'm pretty sure that a lot of her insights on life helped me think differently (in a good way) and also helped me decide things like what college I wanted to go to. If you want, you should definitely read her blog. :) 

Another thing that I feel like writing about right now is Doctor Who. I've heard that the new episodes are really good, but I'm still catching up on the Matt Smith episodes! I'm almost there though, and I'm so excited to watch the new ones. :) I heard that the newest one was extremely sad though, so I'm worried I might start crying or something when I watch it.... oh well! (Note: Another thing that was awesome about Libba Bray is that she was wearing a Doctor Who shirt and red sparkly converse to her book signing! That's so awesome!)

Oh gosh, this post is really sporadic. :P Sorry about that guys! I should probably go to sleep now, but I'll leave you with this video that I think is funny right now, probably because of sleep deprivation (I thought I would get more sleep in college! How wrong I was!). 


Goodnight, Happy Friday, and DFTBA. :) 


Free for all!


Hey everyone! I happen to be in a fantastic mood despite being tired as hell :) This week we have decided on a free for all topic week. Each of us can post about whatever in the world we like :) I am excited let's get to it!

-reading email-

Ok little less of a good mood. That is frustrating.I was hoping to get some help distributing a survey that I am doing because of my psychology class and now I am back at square one.

You know when we picked this topic. I thought it would be easy but i have been sitting here for twenty minutes trying to type something that is not a hash out of my life and thus far.. not doing so well. 

(26 hours later)

That is what I want to talk about PURGING!

Yes I know that word has very negative connotation with it but I mean it the good way. I just got back from a run, and it purged all of the bad that I have stressed over for about the past month. Now everyone has a different way of healthy purging i.e. eating healthy, dancing, swimming, etc. I do not recommend the bad sort of purging (bulimia). But running has always been my thing. Even today, I just ran thirty minutes (no more than to miles) because I haven't run in like 3 forevers, but I still feel like 2571087548 times better.

I recommend every one getting rid of stress and negative thoughts by healthy purging. Go out and give it ago!

