Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Bitter Lemon Olympics

This post is late due to the suckiness of work. Punish me as you see fit!

So I'm going to talk about two things. The Olympics, because it's very hard to ignore, and bitter lemon, because I've successfully managed to ignore most things Olympian, and the second theme is 'favourite non mainstream drink'.

With the exception of beach volleyball this afternoon. This raised the question: what's up with the huge break between points? Also, what happened to decor? Also, why do commentators of events like the opening ceremony instantly assume that no-one knows anything?

Anyways, as GB typically messes up their home Olympics, I realise that one thing has been missing in my life for too long- bitter lemon. It's one of those simple drinks that's not mainstream that is just no-one really drinks but everyone should.

And I always have such strong memories around it. Like winning a bottle as a kid and enjoying that taste all freaking day. Then hunting for it for years, until I finally come across another bottle and I drink that, whilst watching Mighty Ducks.

And now I know what I need to buy tomorrow.

Also, I need to try me some Happiness...

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