Friday, September 14, 2012

I'm only Off Topic by this Much....

 Soundtrack of my life, hmm, I admit, in the end I didn't think I'd end up with these songs. None of them are my top favorites, but they are all songs I will listen to until I'm old and grey.

The First one is by Sawyer Brown and is called The Walk. It's all about change, and how sometimes you have to do things you don't want too. Every one has these moments, and we've all tried to delay the inevitable change, but it has to happen.

This one I absolutely love because it's about bringing the different people in America together through common hardship. I love how it combines the Country and Inner city, and suddenly you realize the two aren't as different as people like to think. (It's a common fault of humanity, thinking too much.) sure it's not about my life personally, but it's about everyone's life in a way. (Am I getting too out of the box for you? Just tell me and I'll return to my circle.)

Love this song by Needtobreathe. I interpret it as being about stepping out of your safety zone and daring to live. I have a hard problem stepping out of my safety zone, I like it their, it has padded walls. But in order to live you have to fling yourself out on a whimp sometimes and hope you don't land on concrete.


This is a song I love so very much by Casting crowns, it's called Jesus Friend of Sinners. It is so blatantly true about today's Christians, no sugar coating here. we like our loud opinions (opinions are fine, but too LOUD and they just becoming deafening blobs of sound), and we like to blame other people.

You are about to enter a religiously opinionated paragraph (s).
Please no torches allowed past this point, and above all WEAR

The worst cliques, and gossip I have ever encountered was inside a church *GASP* (it's okay, I can admit this, I am a Christian) *whispers by a church official* But your not supposed to, we're supposed to be perfect! 

RULE NUMBER THREE: Everybody has flaws, and that's okay. 

the church does get too caught up in appearance and "standing up for god's truth" that they begin to care more about how they would look if a gay couple walked into their church than giving them a friendly welcome.  

RULE NUMBER FOUR: I said once in a past post about how first impressions are extremely important. Well it's even more so for churches.

 If no one makes an attempt to great me, or notices that I'm new when I walk in the door for the first time, it's not going to work out. Um, but that's what the visitor center is for, isn't it? Are you kidding me? Can you imagine how unnerving it would be for a Non-Believer to walk in the door and have to go to A FLIPPIN DESK IN THE FOYER TO EVEN BE NOTICED!!!!

Un- Believer: *shuffles up to desk after standing alone for an awkward half hour* Hey, uh, how are you doing to day?
Desk Lady With Fake Cheerful Smile: I'm doing well, how may I help you?
Un-B: Well uh, I'm new here and-
Desk Lady: Oh! (hands over Info card) Just fill this out and we'll have the pastor come visit you sometime this week! And I almost forgot! All our guests get a free Jesus Mug! (hands over mug with some sort of cross and church address on it)
Un-B: Uh, thanks......... (walks away and throws card in the trash but keeps mug because, well, it's a REALLY nice mug) 

Jesus Mug
 Christian slang for the mugs given as gifts to church visitors.

I know what your thinking, I'm getting really off topic, but I'm about to get to the point, just hang on a bit longer.

Some of the most aweful things have happened to me in a church or by the hands of other christians, I love how this song just lays it out as it is. It's almost like Jesus standing right in front of us saying, "Did you forget that ya'll are SINNERS to? Your focus' have become misdirected. FIX IT. Don't make me snap my fingers in a cross formation."
If you ever listen to "christian music" you'll notice most of it is cheery.
On days when I'm extra pissed off I just want to through a brick at the stereo
and yell "WHY CAN'T YOU JUST BE ANGRY FOR ONCE!!?!?!?!!!!!!!

Pfhh, that was a rant that's been in my head for a long time. It feels good to release it on complete strangers.

Okay, so this last one is not a song, but several clips that have impacted EVERY American. It's a tribute to 9/11. Already I think people are becoming....Immune? ...... to the clips and yearly tributes. I woke up on Tuesday not even knowing it was 9/11, and I didn't do anything in "remembrance" and I kinda felt like a crappy person. It was one of the most terrifying days of my life and I wasn't even in New York at the time!

I'm beginning to see what it must have felt for those who lived through Pearl Harbor, having to slowly watch as each new year, each new generation, the pain and the grief was slowly forgotten, until it was just another day. One day people will forget the terror of 9/11, they won't feel like crying when the planes hit the tower and they probably won't ever broadcast a Memorial Service. It's a sad thing to come to terms with, but one day it will just be, another day. another bonus point history question.

for now though, I like to keep the memory close at hand, because even amid so much tragedy, America had come together like never before, and maybe never will again. Freedom will always have an enemy, but if we stand together, they will quiver with fear.

Long live America. 
Long Live Freedom.
And a prayer for the victims and their family's.


sorry for the really long and mostly off topic post today guys. I loved everybody's so far and Erin you have to get yours up soon so I can listen to it too! :)

Have a Great Weekend guys,

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