Monday, September 17, 2012

Two in One

Whhhhhhhhaaaa? Two in one? Crazy right?? No! Crazy is my current sate of mind. I won't get into it, but a hug would be helpful. Ok so two in one. I will give you the important songs in my life (that I can think of right now, sorry no hyper links or videos. I just finished homework and I still need to eat dinner and I would like to be asleep in the next hour). And then the correct topic for this week is Fall and Family advise. Nicky I hope I am not stepping on your toes by posting this topic first. Trust me I understand being busy and you post when you get a chance!!!

Ok so let's get the ball rolling:

Songs that mark mile stones in my life-

Tequila-not sure by who. Me and my mom would jam to this all the time in the car when I was little
Really any Elvis Presley Song (also jam tunes for me and my mother)
Savior- Rise Against. Umm it is kind of my ex's (after break up song) we had a really bad break up and the song is very fitting
Fifteen- Taylor Swift. This is my bestie back home (we will get to her in the second part) but we agreed a couple of years ago that was our song
Face Down- Red Jumpsuit Apparatus. A song for my ex I don't really enjoy speaking of... 
Nerdfighterlike- Hank Green. It is not my current boyfriend and I's song (sorry that grammar is terrible I am sure) but we are in nerd love and let me just take a moment and go HOLY CREAM PUFF something like this really happened to me! I mean really!
Champagne- Cavo. I don't know why but I really love this song and I have for years and it has never gone away.
All at Once- Pete Yorn. This is currently my go to "cry song" thanks to my boyfriend (who introduced me to it). It is actually quite a tragic musical piece, but a fantastic song.
ANY LION KING SONG (I have the entire movie memorizing ans SING EVERYTHING< and I have no singing ability)
June- Pete Yorn. Also... I have no idea what in the world draws me to this song but it is one that I listen to over and over.

Well that was more than I thought I could come up with so .. :) Holly I hope you like my list. (I am sure when i wake up in a few hours i will go "SHOOOOOOT I should have put _____ song on the list")

NEXT! The Fall and Family advice.

Fall,  or Autumn is not my favorite season. That, would belong so Spring. However, I love to watch the leaves change and I do admit I like it when the weather cools off (though I thrive in HOT weather). When I was younger I loved the fall (not as much a spring) because I got to go back to school, and I still love to learn. I absolutely LOVE back to school shopping. I get this high from buying school supplies (weird yes... sorry but I already know I am weird). However now, I work 40 + hours a week and go to school for 23.5 credit hours. It is a lot and very very little sleep. But, I still love to learn and push though (with a large amount of caffeine).

Family advise. I have a very "interesting" and complicated family. My sister had a kid out of wedlock, and is jealous of me for not having a kid (she is older than I am) , going of to school, and getting to have a life I wanted. However (and you might thing I am crazy as she did) she doesn't understand, for the same reason you will not either (though Savior might shed some light for you) why I am jealous of her for having a baby. Something that can love you unconditionally versus having to fight every step of the way against everything, to be loved in working relation ship. Ok I feel like I got a little of track, sorry. My family advise is COMMUNICATION (and that is spoken with a girl jumping around waving her arms). My relationship has gotten better with my sister because she and I talk, and share how we feel. Trust me it is far better than it used to be. We used to fight constantly.
Now for a little friend advise(as a bonus- but she is so close she is like a sister to me) and a heads up to best friends out there. Yes you might have moved away and grown apart some, but when your best friend like a sister comes to you with BIG BIG news about her new relationship and needs true blue support Do Not, and I repeat DO NOT SHOVE HER AT AN OLD HIGH SCHOOL FLAME! I am sorry You DON'T DO THAT! (breathe... sorry I am better). See I need to talk to her and I know I do but it has been a month since this occurrence and I still want to throttle her. Communication is still key, if this happens USE YOUR WORDS (after you have the ability to not yell scream cry or throttle the person).

So I blogged very very early Tuesday morning because other wise it would not have happened. I cannot wait to read every one's posts! Have a great week!


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