Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Hello from France! This is Sarah and I will be your Wednesday blogger! I'm really excited that we finally started this blog, and I can't wait to see how this all turns out. :)
Anyway, here's a little about me:

1. My cat
2. Music (I'll probably drive you all crazy talking about it, since it's my major in college)
3. Playing the piano
4. The band Beirut and Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeroes
5. Chocolate
6. Writing (this one's pretty obvious, since I'm doing this blog!)
7. Travelling
8. Knitting

1. Country music
2. Whenever people use "your" when they're supposed to use "you're" (I swear I'm not a huge grammar nazi, that just bothers me a lot)
3. Getting lost (which I tend to do a lot...)
4. Really cold weather
I also normally live in Texas, and I'm going to be a freshman in college in the fall, which is exciting! I also really love Harry Potter and Doctor Who, and obsess about books a lot too. :)
Thanks for reading! I usually don't like Wednesdays, but I think that that will change. :)

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