Thursday, October 11, 2012

Weird Dreams!

Hey guys! Sorry for the late post again! This week's topic should be perfect for me, since I have a lot of weird dreams. Unfortunately, I can't remember a lot of them right now (stupid brain), but here's one that I had sometime in high school that I thought was really weird and kind of creepy. 

So in my dream, I was at my old house that I had just moved out of, and I had just gotten off the bus after school (this was before I had a car and could drive myself). Anyway, I walked into my house and there was no furniture and there were these spiders EVERYWHERE. Like, they were just sitting on the wall in clumps, which was weird, and they were of every size. 

Anyway, for some reason I was only slightly creeped out, and I decided to walk further into the house where I saw my best friend holding one of the larger spiders (about the side of my cat) and I just remember her telling me it was a cat. 

And then I woke up. 

This doesn't really count as a dream, but I thought I might share it. Whenever I'm really stressed about something that I have the next day sometimes I just wake up randomly in the middle of the night thinking that it's time to go. This happened a lot my junior year in high school because it was really stressful -- once I woke up at 3am and I got dressed and everything before I realized that I had a few hours before it was even time to wake up. xD 

Anyway, it hasn't happened to me in college yet, but I've been doing it a little bit lately (like waking up an hour early and thinking I'm late) so we'll see what my roommate says about it.....

That being said, welcome back Nicky! I'm so happy you can participate with us again! :D That was a weird dream! 

I can't wait to see what everyone else has posted, and I really REALLY loved your last post Holly! 



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