Sunday, September 23, 2012

Family Advice, why you should all love Winter, and a bit of a surprise.

I'll address my lateness later, but first some advice. People suck. All of us. A lot of us make up for that suck by being awesome a lot of the time, but there's still that little bit that pops its head up every now and then that makes us suck. Unfortunately, family members have it too.

So how do we deal with it? My tip is relatively simple. Unless it's an extreme case, it's realising they're your family, and you love them.

Case in point. My brother, for all intents and purposes, is a complete asshole. I don't help matters a lot of the time, but it's not just me he's an asshole to; it's all of us. So why hasn't he been punched after refusing to co-operate on a simple task and slamming the door in a piss fit, or not contributing money to the family because he's saving it for food for himself? Because ultimately, we love him, and that's not going to change no matter what he does.

That doesn't mean there's no boundaries. By all means, if someone oversteps their mark, you stand up to them and say so. But ultimately, it's about realising that you still love them, despite their suckiness.

And now Winter. Why Winter? Well:

  • Snow is awesome.
  • Cold is a lot easier to deal with than warmth-for one thing, wearing more clothes isn't illegal; walking around in public naked is.
  • This


And now the last bit. To cut a long story short, me and my family are going through some rough times at the minute financially and emotionally, and as silly as it seems being late for this narks on me. So I'm gonna be absent for a couple of weeks while I try and get my stuff together. But you guys are awesome bloggers anyways, so it won't make much of a difference content wise ;)

DFTBA, be back soon.


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