Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Food Choices!

It's Wednesday everyone! And this week I'm writing about what food I'd be and why. :) 

Before I start I just want to say that all of the posts this week have been really fun to read, and you guys are really creative! 

As for the type of food I'd want to be, I have two answers:

The first one is chai tea. I'm not sure if this can be considered a food (since it's tea), but I love it so much. Chai tea is very spicy/flavorful/yummy and also has a small about of caffeine, which is awesome. It's also very versatile, because you can drink it hot or cold, so it's perfect for anytime! In my opinion, though, the best time to drink it would be around Christmas, just because it tastes like it would be rather Christmas-y (for those of you reading this that don't celebrate Christmas, I think it also works well as a very wintery drink :) This is perfect for me, because I love winter. 

The second thing that I would like to be that actually counts as a food would have to be ice cream, because it comes in a variety of flavors. My favorite is mint chocolate chip, which is the flavor I would classify myself as, I think. :) It's a different flavor, but very delicious! 

And now for Philippa's topic (drumroll please):

If you could pick any song (any song at all!) that you would describe as the soundtrack to you life, what would it be and why? Feel free to use multiple songs if one isn't enough. :) *BONUS POINTS* if you make a playlist describing your day. ;) 

Anyway, I hope that made sense! And now I'm going to post this less than twenty minutes before it's midnight here. Goodnight everyone, I hope you have an awesome day tomorrow! 


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