Thursday, July 19, 2012

Books I Love

This week we're writing about our favorite books, but since I'm pretty much hopeless when it comes to picking a favorite anything (it doesn't matter if it's favorite song, movie, or ice cream flavor, there are always so many I like that it's impossible to single *one* out as the best!), I'm going to list some of my favorites instead. :) First out are... 

Jane Austen's books 

At first I was going to pick one of her books to write about, but I've been sitting here for a long while now trying to decide which one I like the most without getting anywhere, so I think I'm just going to give in and write about them all! :) I'm pretty sure the most famous one is Pride and Prejudice, and I'm actually rereading it right now. I love her books so much. They're so smart and well-written, and her characters are so easy to relate to. The stories just draw you in. :) I think it's amazing that even though they were written 200 years ago, and even though society has changed a lot since then, they still feel relevant. We still fall in love the same way, and we still have parents who can occasionally embarrass us. Some things will probably never change, haha :) 

The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (by Douglas Adams) 

This book is a bit different from the books I usually read, and I was a bit skeptical towards it at first, but it actually is really funny. :) It's about a man called Arthur Dent whose best friend manages to rescue him off Earth before the planet is demolished to make room for an intergalactic freeway. After that the two kind of have to hitchhike through space, and meet a lot of bizarre characters on the way. It's about as silly as it sounds, but it'll most definitely make you smile. :) 

The History Of Love (by Nicole Krauss) 

This story is a bit complicated as it skips back and forth in time a bit, and it's also told from the point of a view of a few different characters. The three main ones are an old Polish man in New York, a writer in South America, and a young girl called Alma. At first it seems that these three vastly different people have nothing to do with each other, but as the story unfolds you realize that they're all connected. It's really hard to describe what this book is about without giving too much away, but it's amazing. I really liked it. :) 

This was a great topic to write about, guys! I have so many new books I want to read now, it's really exciting! :D Looking forward to your post tomorrow, Holly! 


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