Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Favorite books!

Hey guys! Today I get to write about one of my other favorite things in the world, which is reading books. As you can probably tell, I don't have a favorite book, but a lot of favorites, so I'll make a list. :) 

Before I begin, I'd just like to say that I really REALLY love Harry Potter, but I'm not going to put it on this list since I can go on forever about it and everyone talks about it anyway. :) 

Okay, here we go....

  • The Fault in Our Stars by John Green
 It's probably obvious that I love John Green books, since I'm a nerdfighter and all, but I have to say that The Fault in our Stars is probably my favorite book of his that I've read so far. I know a book is good if I get really attached to the characters, and I definitely did in this book. I highly recommend reading it, because it's so good! And the characters go to Amsterdam, which is awesome, and there's a lot of philosophical thinking and pure awesomeness.

The Fault in Our Stars.jpg
Seriously, you need to read this if you haven't already. 

  •  Going Bovine by Libba Bray
I ended up reading most of this book when I was babysitting one night last summer, and I loved it. Libba Bray, in my opinion, is one of those authors that can write about just about anything and make it work. Going Bovine is about a 16-year-old guy that gets mad cow disease and ends up going on a road trip with a midget and a lawn gnome, and I think it was also influenced by Don Quixote (well, it references it in the book and starts out the chapters like Don Quixote so....). I think I also just love Libba Bray's writing in general, because I've read all of her book so far and enjoyed all of them. I also read her blog last summer, and realized that not only can she write, but she's an awesome person too! She's also coming out with a new book series coming out in September that takes place in the 20s, which I am really excited about too!

Front Cover
It was so good. ;_;

  •  The Mortal Instruments Series by Cassandra Clare
Okay, so I know this is a series, not a single book, but it's so good! Cassandra Clare is really awesome at writing sort of dark fantasy books, so if you like those then you should definitely give this series a try. :) This is another one of those books where I get way too attached to the characters, and become really sad if something bad every happens to them, even though I know that the author is just developing the story.... sigh. Cassandra Clare also wrote another series called The Infernal Devices which is in the same world as her previous books, but in the Victorian Era! I love the Victorian Era, so that's awesome! 

City of Bones.jpg
This is the first book in the Mortal Instruments series. Read it now!
  • Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card
I read Ender's Game for the first time when I was in 8th grade, and I really liked it. I'm not usually one to read sci-fi books, but this was definitely an exception. :) Even if you're not into sci-fi, I think you should read this book -- although, you probably already have read this, since it's so well-known! I also liked reading Ender's Shadow (which is like the same story but from a different character's point of view), and the series about the character Bean that took place after it. One of the cool things about this series is that the sequel to Ender's Game is completely different from the first book, and good in it's own way. Speaker for the Dead takes place about three thousand (I think) years after Ender's Game and is more philosophical and slower-paced, but still really good!

Cover shows a futuristic aeroplane landing on a lighted runway.
And there's a movie coming out next year! I'm so excited!

Well, that's all that I can think of. There's a lot more books, but I can pretty much go on forever about it, so I'll just stop here. :) Nicky and Erin, I really liked reading about your favorites, and I can't wait to read Philippa's and Holly's posts! You guys rock!

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