Friday, July 27, 2012


Okay, so maybe, admittedly, I forgot it was Friday today (it happens, don't judge me), and maybe, I don't have a planned recipe becuase I DIDN'T forget, I just didn't remember. So, here's a makeshift recipe and hopefully a semi-flushed out blog post.

HAPPINESS (can be made in cookie or cake form)

Graham crackers
a thin stick

1. Stab a hole in the marshmellow with the stick.
2. Place a piece of the chocolately goodness inside the marshmellow.
3. Hold the marshmellow over a fire (can be done over a gas oven, campfire, or funeral pyre)
4. Wait until the marshmellow is blacker that Sauroman's soul
5.......still waiting.........almost there..........
6. Take the piece of coal out of the fire and carefuly remove from the stick.
7. Put what was once a marshmellow inbetween two small piece of graham cracker.
8. commence to eat, or feed to dog, or use for decoration (this would require edible glue in case one gets hungry later)

Yum? Yes indeed :)

Now, I get to go to work :P So here's a picture of kittens to cheer everybody up.
Pinned Image

(and suddenly I'm late from looking at kitten pictures to long)


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