Friday, August 10, 2012

Aspirations, the Enterprise, and sucky Sinus's

I love topics like these that really make me think.

Six Things I aspire to Do

1. Live out Loud
I want to find the joy in small things, like going to the park with your friends, or taking a road trip to the nearest almost-abandoned town. I want to be happy with myself and my life, and be okay with the fact that I may never see Paris or Moscow, and it's okay because I saw Elbert instead, and that town was just as amazing.

2.  Dream Big
As we get older it gets harder to believe in the dreams we once had; I never want to be too old for my dreams. I want to have the same passion for writing that I do today, when I'm eighty-three years old.

3. Impact the World
Peace comes first through communication, then through action. I want to use all the languages I know to work towards a peaceful world. I want my knowledge to help lead to the end of child soldiers and help the rise of women rights in the Middle East.

On a Christian side Note:
When I mentioned to my mother that I wanted to impact the world, she immediately took that as a "my daughter is going to become a Baptist Missionary!". No, I am not. It takes a certain type of skill set to be willing to minister in foreign countries. One requirement being patience, which I don't have, at all.
You can be a Christian, not a missionary, and impact the world just the same. Just do what you love/ good at with all your heart, and do it to honor God. He knows what's in your heart, and maybe you can't go to Uganda and feed a child, but feeding a Veteran on the street corner on your way to work can have just as much as an impact.

4. Stay Young
When you get old most people tend to get grouchy and, well, old. When I'm ninety I still want to have the spirit to jump out of closets at people or fake my death so as to send the nurses into a frenzied panic. I don't ever want an "I'm Old" mind set.

5. Learn to Dance
I don't think any explanation is needed on this one.

6. Build the Enterprise
If I ever get so rich as to own half the world, or even a tenth of it, I would aspire to build the Enterprise. Nothing say's creating jobs like a private NASA in your own backyard ; ).

Okay, I hope that made sense. My minds getting foggy cause my mother gave me the sleepy Sinus drugs instead of the daytime ones (neither of which I like ;) ) So I called in dead, and now I'm going to bed, not by choice.

TING for now and DFTBA, TGIF,

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