Tuesday, August 21, 2012

My First Day

So yesterday I got home, ate, and pretty much went straight to bed :P needless to say lots is going on. Sorry guys!

As Erin said, and much better than I ever could, w're talking about our first days, and I can just about remember my first day of secondary school, or high school for you guys across the pond ocean.

I remember meeting my tutor group for the first time and being made to sit in a circle and pass around to the left notes about us, and one of my future close friends Kalvin, back when he had a massive afro, pointed out I have bad handwriting (only one English teacher has ever liked my writing; me and mum thought she was insane).

I remember marvelling at the footlong hotdogs they used to serve, and how I would get on for free as part of my school meals (if I was quick enough).

I remember walking around the place with Ethan, Ryan, and Pablo, my 3 best friends from my primary school.

I remember the library, and being amazed that it had 2 floors.

I remember smiling.

I remember my first form tutor's name. Miss Collins.

I remember missing a playground. That sucked.

I remember going home.

I remember I went sleep.

I blame ZeFrank entirely for this blog post being laid out as it is. His way of speaking is damned infectious.

DFTBA wonderful people. Cant wait to hear about your first days :D

Nicky x

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