Tuesday, August 14, 2012

How to find your confidence (sort of)

This week I thought we'd share tip on how to be a bit more confident, as lack of confidence seems to be a common problem!

My tip is something kind of obvious but very, very powerful in most situations where you have to do something: know your stuff.

Say you're lacking confidence in your work. Step one is to go through what you do. What is it you don't know? Is there anything you're not one hundred percent on? Can a colleague or your supervisor offer any critiques? If the answer is yes (believe me, people are all to willing to critique when you ask), then write it all down, really get to know it all. The more you know, the more you can build and improve, and once you've written it down you can use it as a visual aid. I started this job sucking at communicating with my colleagues; it was my main sticking point in appraisals. I got all the advice and criticism I could, cried a lot, wrote it all down and started ticking things off.

The same thing applies to most things. If you lack confidence doing something, or knowing something, get everything down you possibly can, and learn.

Sometimes it's as simple as that :)

Can't wait to hear (and use) your tips!

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