Friday, August 3, 2012


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Okay, so like most people (I would hope) I love to watch the Olympics. I don't have a favorite sport to cheer on, I just kinda pick the athletes who are awesome and follow them. Like Jordan Wieber, Missy Franklin, Micheal Phelps etc.

Though, I'm sure, like any other nerd out there, I was hoping for an opening ceremony like this:
*tear* I miss you David Tennant!

It's okay though, because David Beckman deserved to light the torch.

Since our town would never put one of those awesome big screen televisions up in the park to watch Water Polo in all its glory, my biking group

 Friends who are forced to bike with me so I don't get kidnapped, heat stroke, eaten by a bear, experimented on by aliens, put in a fanfiction, etc. Though they look happy, they will never admit to liking it. (I know the truth ;) )

have taken to playing "Pass the Torch" instead, which is actually a heavy flashlight due to fire bans. It is a game where you Pass the Torch(woah, I know, I just blew your mind) every mile to the next person behind you. This may not seem difficult, but trust me, passing things while balancing in close proximity to another biker is dangerous. It ranks right up there with putting lemon juice on paper cuts. But it makes us feel like Olympians (and look like idiots).


I thought drinks was a very interesting topic because I'm allergic to most of them. Have you ever heard of Phosphoric Acid? It's in all Coca-Cola Pepsi products, some meats, chips, shampoos, and soaps. It's kind of like corn syrup, you don't really need it in the product, you just put it in there to look cool.

Phosphoric Acid is deadly, to me. I'm 100% allergic in the worst way possible, I stop breathing.

It's an odd thing to be allergic to, no? Actually, allergies to such chemicals are only increasing with the more chemicals we put in our foods. I won't go into a lecture about it, but know your chemicals.

I haven't had a soda since I was sixteen (worst withdrawl ever), and I know what your thinking "so just do organic drinks". Ah, what a wonderful idea! Except not all organic (actually very FEW) drinks are 100% organic. I learned that the hard way.

So my favorite drink would have to be the ever dependable, glass of water. It hydrates you, has no calories, and tastes great (unless you live in Phoenix)!
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And on that note, I wish you all a great weekend! I'm going to work, you're probably going to bed, so sweet dreams :)


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