Thursday, August 30, 2012

Movie Confessions

Hey everyone! This is being posted late, which I'm really sorry about. I was really busy yesterday and it just slipped my mind. :(

Anyway, this weeks theme is about movies....

For the most part I really like going to the movies, and watching them with friends. That being said, I have some confessions:

  1. I'm not sure if this counts since I think Brave was a really great movie, but I cried twice when I saw it in theaters. This is strange, because I don't usually get that emotional about movies, and you would think that I had prepared myself emotionally for it the second time.... but no. I still cried. :P (Note: I feel like I should mention that I cried in Toy Story 3, like Erin, as well. I'm not sure what it is about Disney movies, but apparently I can't watch them without tearing up.)
  2. Like Nicky, I've never seen the Die Hard movies. I have also never seen the Godfather (am I doing this italicizing right?) and many movies that I heard were really good. 
  3. I'm not a big fan of chick flicks, but if it has someone like David Tennant in it (there's a movie I found on netflix) I will watch it and probably enjoy it. 
  4. I watch horror movies a lot, despite the fact that I'm easily scared by everything. 
  5. Also, sometimes I will not enjoy a movie but still like the soundtrack. I also really like listening to movie scores. :)
Sorry again for the late post! I hope you guys had an awesome Wednesday. Great posts so far guys! I'm really excited to read everyone else's. :)

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